Re: Colleges teaching young earth creationism

From: Loren Haarsma (
Date: Sat Nov 15 2003 - 13:27:36 EST

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: Subject: Re: Four items of possible controversy"

    On Sat, 15 Nov 2003, John W Burgeson wrote:

    > ICR's ACTS & FACTS for Nov 2003 included an "Impact" article #365 on
    > "Creationist Colleges."

      Got to set the record straight. I'm pretty sure they need to scratch
    Calvin Theological Seminary off their list. There _might_ be a YEC on
    faculty there, maybe, but all of the past and present faculty whom I know
    about have a more nuanced view, and some would outright reject the claims
    of ICR. Reformed hermeneutical principles, taught at Calvin seminary and
    elsewhere, are quite at odds the flawed hermeneutical claims of ICR. In
    addition, the synod of the Christian Reformed Church, for which Calvin is
    the seminary, officially said years ago that there are multiple views on
    origins within the church that are acceptable.

    Loren Haarsma

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