Re: Colleges teaching young earth creationism

From: gordon brown (
Date: Sun Nov 16 2003 - 20:07:14 EST

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Flood Paper available for criticism"

    On Sat, 15 Nov 2003, John W Burgeson wrote:

    > ICR's ACTS & FACTS for Nov 2003 included an "Impact" article #365 on
    > "Creationist Colleges."
    > Anyone who thinks that the YEC position is either stable or in decline
    > may well want to rethink that position after studying this article. There
    > are at least 188 colleges in the USA which teach YEC. The article and the
    > list of institutions is at:
    > In addition to the expected institutions, Bob Jones, Christian Heritage,
    > ICR Graduate School, Liberty, Pensacola Christian (Ruckman), etc. are a
    > few I did not expect to see. Among these are Calvin Theological Seminary,
    > Moody Bible Institute, Biola University, Bethel Seminary, etc.
    > Frightening.
    > Burgy

    I find it hard to know exactly what to conclude from this article. Only 49
    of these 188 institutions have even one science major. I have never heard
    of most of them. Some are recognizable as Adventist schools, which would
    have to be YEC. We don't know exactly how the survey question was worded.
    We don't know who at the school wrote the reply. It is not clear how many
    faculty have to be YEC for the school to make the list or what subjects
    these faculty teach.

    Gordon Brown
    Department of Mathematics
    University of Colorado
    Boulder, CO 80309-0395

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