Re: Complexity increase (was: Re: Phillip Johnson (and Methodological Naturalism))

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Mon Nov 03 2003 - 01:23:55 EST

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Hermeneutics"

    Peter gave a good reply to my question on evolutionary quantification; at
    least it was a start.

    He wrote: "But you are hardly serious, I think, in suggesting upping the
    age of the earth 10 or
    100 times! ;-)"

    First, in suggesting it, I said it seemed very unlikely. Just not "known"
    to be out of the question.

    I am not one that follows the philosophy of Horgan (see his book "The End
    of Science"). 110 years ago we "knew" the earth's age was 50,000,000
    years or so. Now we "know" the number is 4,500,000,000 or so. We also
    "knew" that you could not fly, that atoms were stable, that the "universe
    is a mechanism" model was quite satisfactory for every experiment in
    physics and chemistry, that communications over a distance without wires
    was out of the question, etc. etc.

    That was the world my grandfather knew.

    What world will my grandchildren understand?


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