Re: An interesting Poll from Zogby

From: Brian Harper (
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 13:09:56 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: How old is "spiritual" humanity"

    >2. The state board of education is currently deciding which biology
    >textbooks should be approved for use in public schools in Texas. Which of
    >the following two statements comes closer to your own opinion?
    >A: The state board of education should approve biology textbooks that
    >teach only Darwin's theory of evolution and the scientific evidence that
    >supports it.
    >B: The state board of education should approve biology textbooks that
    >teach Darwin's theory of evolution, but also the scientific evidence
    >against it.
    >Statement A 16%
    >Statement B 75%
    >Not sure 9%

    A rather clever way to state the question. It is the nature of science to
    present evidence pro and con is it not? To oppose B strengthens the Johnson
    rhetoric. Generally speaking I personally have no objection to presenting
    evidence against, however I got a glimpse of how that goes when the show
    came to Ohio awhile back. Thus I would like to see an additional question:

    2a. If your opinion is closer to B then select one of the following

    A: The evidence against should be outlined by scientists
    B: The evidence against should be outlined by lawyers

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