Re: An interesting Poll from Zogby

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 12:20:14 EDT

  • Next message: Brian Harper: "Re: An interesting Poll from Zogby"

    Howard wrote, in part: "My conclusion: Anyone who uses the results of
    this poll to support the teaching of "intelligent design" as a scientific
    alternative to biological evolution is using a rhetorical strategy that
    ought to be a total embarrassment to any morally and ethically sensitive

    Howard, you said it much better (as usual) than I was about to. But
    please don't think all us westerners are rednecks! <G>

    Allen -- try changing the poll questions to read "The scientific theory
    that the earth is round." I'll bet you'd get almost the same range of

    Sarah said this poll came from the IDers, and I assume she is correct.
    They have now reached the bottom of the hole and started to dig!


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