From: Brian Harper (
Date: Mon Sep 08 2003 - 14:49:53 EDT
At 10:05 AM 9/8/2003 -0700, Dr. Blake Nelson wrote:
>many worlds hypothesis -- of course there are several
>MWHs, which is why talking about them generally is not
>necessarily fruitful. They all as far as I am aware
>explain the apparent fine tuning of the universe by
>positing that this is one of many universes.
This is not really the case, though often claimed.
Take a look in a good reference on the anthropic
principle for an explanation. I can recommend
<Universes> by John Leslie, Routledge 1989
The gist is this. To explain fine-tuning you need
the anthropic selection argument: "I shouldn't be
too surprised to find myself in this finely tuned
Universe, where else could I be?"
This requires the many worlds to actually exist,
to be causally disconnected, and to have different
laws, physical constants etc.
Look at it this way, if you are going to select then
there must be something to select from. If all the
universes have the same laws etc then there is
nothing to select from.
Everett does not satisfy these conditions.
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