Re: One Simple Question

From: Robert Schneider (
Date: Mon Aug 04 2003 - 10:06:26 EDT

  • Next message: Jan de Koning: "Re: One Simple Question"

    Brian asks,

        IDers claim fine-tuning
    > as an example of ID. What role did ID science
    > play in the identification of fine-tuning?

    The answer is "None." The elements of "fine-tuning" (e.g., the measurements
    of gravitational, strong and weak forces, ratio of electron mass to those of
    protons/neutrons, etc., etc.) were identified prior to the emergence of ID
    and have long been discussed under the notion of the "anthropic principle."
    ID can claim no credit for any of these things. This "fine-tuning" does
    provide food for theological thought, but ID doesn't like to bring theology
    in publically. If they ever devise an epistemology and hermeutic for their
    "theistic science," however, they will have to come out of the closet and
    show their conflated science-theology for what it is.

    ID can only claim credit for their versions of "irreducible" or "specified"
    complexity, though they have yet to proffer positive scientific evidence for
    any of their claims. That would require them to really demonstrate that
    they have a "research program," as they assert they have, and provide

    Bob Schneider

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