Re: Perceiving God

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 21:20:50 EDT

  • Next message: bivalve: "Re: Perceiving God"

    Jason wrote, in part: "I agree that it is important to know God, but this
    importance is not nearly as weighty as accurate knowledge."

    Here is where I disagree, and also why I disagree. Friend wife and I have
    been involved with SS classes designed for mentally challenged adults. These
    people don't have "accurate knowledge." They have very limited knowledge.
    They don't read -- so all they "know" must necessarily come from others. Yet
    in every important way -- love of one another, compassion, desire to know as
    much about God as they can -- they are Christians.

    "Accurate knowledge is what separates me from Islam and Judaism, both of
    which claim to worship the same God."

    You, then, have the narrow view of Christ's comment to Thomas about "the
    way." Perforce, then, you must also have the view that unless a person
    somehow acquires "accurate knowledge," they will not attain heaven. Which
    means myriads of human beings, pre-33 AD as well as in more modern times,
    are so condemned. I understand that view; I have difficulty understanding
    how anyone can hold it and still hold to a loving and just god. One or the
    other concept has to be rejected, to be consistent and coherent. IMHO.

    There is a wider view, of course, of that passage. JC IS the way, etc. but
    it does not follow that "only those with accurate knowledge" will find that

    "The unique and saving aspect of Christianity is the knowledge of the
    nature of Christ (fully God; fully man), his atonement (as a substitutionary
    payment for my sin), and that my penalty is removed completely by the action
    of God, not my own doing. This accurate knowledge is what counts."

    So to attain your heaven, I must pass an exam? And if I have the slightest
    doubt about any of this, I don't get in?

    I envy you your certainty. But I suggest that you are quite certain about
    what is simply one interpretation of the scriptures. What if you are wrong?

    As for the proof text you quoted, I think it might support my position
    rather better than yours.



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