Re: No death before the fall theology

From: Robert Schneider (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 11:41:28 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)"

    Debbie writes:

    > However, I Cor. 15, which Jim brought up, talks about there being no
    > resurrection without physical death - but the life that follows is
    > not physical. The immortal life is spiritual.
    > More strongly, Ephesians 2:1 says that "you were dead" certainly, that is
    > not physical death.
    > (By the way, am I the only one in the world who thinks that life in the
    > Garden would have been boring after a century or so? I am certainly hoping
    > that heaven is a complex place with complex challenges. I have no desire
    > feed the deer or lounge around in mansions for all eternity. Even with the
    > ecstasy of the presence of God, I am really hoping
    > for more than just eternal peace.)

    Bob's comments:

        Debbie's point about the discussion in 1 Cor. 15 is well taken. There
    Paul is wrestling with the mystery of the resurrection. In his mystical
    language he characterizes the resurrection body as a spiritual body, making
    clear that the resurrection of the dead is not a physical resuscitation.

        Like you, Debbie, I hope, and expect that heaven, which I think of as
    "dwelling in the fullness of God's presence, will not be a static place. In
    the Burial Service of the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, there is a wonder
    phrase in the prayer for the departed: "may he(she) go from strength to
    strength in a life of perfect service in your heavenly kingdom." I take
    "from strength to strength" to mean for an experience of growth and mutual
    love, compassion, and service toward one another in the life of God. What
    that will be is beyond my power to even imagine.


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