Re: No death before the fall theology

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Sun Apr 27 2003 - 19:20:54 EDT

  • Next message: Bill Payne: "Re: Paraconformities"

    I looked at the posts this afternoon. Here's what sticks

    1. Atheists can "receive money" for their efforts. I
       simply cannot seriously put this in the same category
       as churches. If you don't toe the company line in
       a church, you lose your job.

    2. Many people are Christians no matter what Genesis
       says. I don't dispute this. It seems strange to
       me that these people won't say "Adam died a physical
       death because of his sin." It takes an atheist to
       say that. I guess the implications of admitting that
       lead to a slippery slope.

    3. Not necessarily here, but "liberal" Christians love
       to beat up atheists for having a "fundamentalist"
       interpretation of Genesis. Fundies have such a
       poor reputation people think they can win points
       in a discussion by comparing their "opponent" to
       them. I couldn't disagree more, here. The very
       reason fundies take such a nonsensical science
       stance is because of the Biblical text. Would
       they really take such a stance for no reason?

    In conclusion, I hate to say it, but the posts that
    I saw smack of dishonesty. Gen 3:19 says what it
    says. Not one post accepted the implications of
    this. So I will mention one more thing: Not
    necessarily here, but Christians I know tend to
    not be responsible. It is oh so easy for them to
    be evasive and resort to personal attacks.
    Generally, I end the discussion at that point.


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