RE: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)

From: Debbie Mann (
Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 09:50:32 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)"

    Thank you. Very helpful.

    Several points:

    1. The last statistic that I heard is that mankind's knowledge doubles in
    less than 10 years. This seems that it would create constant difficulties
    for Behe's point of view and a God who is the same yesterday, today and

    2. The red knot is a sandpiper which travels 18,000 miles in its rearly
    migration. They travel from the southern trip of South America to the
    northern islands of Canada, stopping along the way at very specific marshes
    and beaches which have the particular food that they eat. They also stop at
    Tierra del Fuega to molt. Their timing is perfect for crabs laying eggs and
    other natural events which provide them food. They lay eggs, and leave their
    young to fly south. The new generation follows a month and a half later,
    following exactly the same route. Someday, scientist will find the exact
    places where the map is encoded on their DNA. It will be explained. However,
    at that time, as at this, I will continue to believe that the "watch
    testifies of the watchmaker."

    3. If I were a wealthy manufacturer, a Bill Gates of manufacturing, and I
    designed a product and built it, then I am the creator. If I built robots to
    build my product, I am still its creator and I still make the money. If I
    build robots to build the robots and so forth - the money still goes into my
    bank account.

    (My points would probably be more interesting if they supported a position
    of my disagreeing with you.)
      -----Original Message-----
      From: []On
    Behalf Of Dick Fischer
      Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 9:13 AM
      To: ASA
      Subject: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)

      For those of you who may not have seen this article in PSCF when it came
    out, it should be a classic and receive wider distribution, in my humble

      Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
      Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History

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