Re: Fw: FYI--from NYTimes

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2003 - 10:50:21 EDT

  • Next message: "RFEP, ID, and the actions of God"

    >>I'm confident the cosmologists are pushing scientific theories well beyond
    >>any reasonable realm of application. No theory is so good that it can
    >>plausibly give me an infinitude of undetectable universes.

    There may be other universes, but our theories aren't good enough to enable
    us to deduce their existence. At least, that's what's plausible to me.>>

    Even so, it seems apparent that the multiple universe theory can be verified
    empirically. Not "proven," of course, but made as verifiable as one wants to

    The experiment is not all that complicated, although you should not try it
    at home! <G>


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