Re: The power of ten

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Sun Apr 06 2003 - 19:04:10 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Roberts: "Re: The power of ten"


    On 14 Feb last, writing to Don Winterstein, you said:
    "Sadly over the last couple of years, this listserve has attracted people with bizarre ideas which they think are directly revealed by God. Once anyone claims that we should all ignore it as that is the first step to a cult.

    "We have sufficient revelation from Jesus and the Bible so don't need to add to it, neither do we need numerological proofs of the Bible.

    The best thing we can do is to ignore such nonsense and I will do just that."

    As a man of ' the cloth' you will of course be aware that Rev.13:18 contains the explicit imperative 'psephisato' (ie 'let him calculate'); the study of the number 666 must therefore be understood as an open and direct command from the Lord to all Christians. In my writings, I have attempted to obey that imperative and make others aware of the uniqueness of this number and of the important implications that derive from it. Your 'sufficient revelation from Jesus and the Bible' ignores this matter; indeed, suggests that you want none of it. But are you then not a Bible believer?

    I observe in your most recent posting that you refer to the 'invincible ignorance' of the YEC. Apparently there are things many others 'don't know because they don't want to know'. For both Christian and scientist alike this is surely a travesty. To ignore facts simply because they are incompatible with one's view of reality is both dishonouring to the Lord and reduces the status of all 'reasoning associated with scientific thought' (DS Wilson, "Darwin's Cathedral").


    ----- Original Message -----

      From: Michael Roberts
      To: Don Winterstein ; asa
      Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 12:18 PM
      Subject: Re: my new paradigm

      Sadly over the last couple of years, this listserve has attracted people with bizarre ideas which they think are directly revealed by God. Once anyone claims that we should all ignore it as that is the first step to a cult.
      We have sufficient revelation from Jesus and the Bible so don't need to add to it, neither do we need numerological proofs of the Bible.

      The best thing we can do is to ignore such nonsense and I will do just that



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