Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

From: George Murphy (
Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 19:04:28 EST

  • Next message: Preston Garrison: "Re: Common Descent: From Monkey To Man"

    John Burgeson wrote:
    > George commented: "Of course it still prospers. So does astrology."
    > Ouch. Good point.
    > "I did not say that Duane Gish - or any other YEC - is a "bad guy." His
    > moral character is not relevant here."
    > Did not mean for you to infer that of course. Sorry for imprecise wording.

    Burgy -
            My response to your comments on this were rather brief. Having explained my
    earlier statement, I ought to add that of course you're right about the successes of YEC
    among Christians. They - & anti-evolutionists in general - do have an appeal to many
    people, & I think this is one of the major problems of the church in the United States.
    There is not nearly enough attention being given to making clear, scientifically _and_
    theologically adequate presentations of creation & evolution in ways that make sense to
    the average person in the pew or street.
            Unfortunately the ASA as an organization has not been able to be nearly as
    helpful as it should be. Most members of the ASA belong to just that part of the church
    where opposition to evolution is most firmly attached, & should be able to do something
    about the problem. But too many ASA members, including some in important positions, are
    hostile to evolution. & the fact that ASA an an organization doesn't take an official
    stand on the matter, while in some ways good, makes it a foregone conclusion that
    anything that is said about creation & evolution will be at best a compromise.
            FWIW, I'm trying to do what I can to raise the level of scientific literacy
    about the issue. Tomorrow evening I'm going to be talking to a Christian students group
    at the U of Toledo & in the next month I'll be speaking to 4 different lay & clergy
    groups about related matters. But I have no illusion that these events will reach the
    number of people that a well-funded & publicized presentation by Ken Ham, or a
    nationwide TV interview with "Dr." Carl Baugh, does.

    George L. Murphy

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