Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

From: George Murphy (
Date: Tue Apr 01 2003 - 13:48:34 EST

  • Next message: Iain Strachan \(asa\): "Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God"

    John Burgeson wrote:
    > George wrote, in part: "The sad thing is that "recent-creationists" have
    > already been defeated over & over - as is shown by the fact that they
    > finally have to fall back on the apparent age arguments. They just don't
    > realize that they've been defeated."
    > Defeated? Surely you jest. The ASA web site gets maybe less than 1% of the
    > hits that AIG and ICR get (or claim to get). Hundreds of YEC presentations
    > every year in hundreds of conservative Xtian churches both here and
    > overseas. A barrage of books, and selling very very well.
    > No way they are "defeated." From my perspective, it looks as if they are
    > stronger today than 20 years ago.
    > Facts: The YEC concept is easy to present, easy to tie to a "common sense"
    > reading of Genesis, easy to defend among the non-scientist population, easy
    > to create an emotional attachment to, easy to confuse with questions of
    > ultimate concern. Evolution is such a handy dandy target. People like Sagan
    > and Dawkins are such a neat target for those who commit the dyatic fallacy
    > -- seeing all issues as having only two sides.
    > To call the YEC movement "defeated" cannot, IMHO, be defended. To call their
    > arguments defeated, and that may be what you mean, might be defended. Even
    > then, I'd have difficulty with the statement. If that were really true, one
    > would think they would have slunk away by now, rather than prospering.
    > I know Duane Gish personally. He is an intelligent person, committed to his
    > worldview. He is not a "bad guy." He prospers.

            What I meant was "intellectually, scientifically, & theologically defeated." Of
    course it still prospers. So does astrology. Truth doesn't have a great deal to do
    with sales in such matters.
            I did not say that Duane Gish - or any other YEC - is a "bad guy." His moral
    character is not relevant here.

    George L. Murphy

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