Re: Does the Bible teach a flat earth?

From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Tue Dec 31 2002 - 11:42:45 EST

  • Next message: Jan de Koning: "Re: Does the Bible teach a flat earth?"

    At 12:44 PM 30/12/2002 +0000, Jim Eisele wrote:

    >There is a part of me that misses the knock-down, drag-out fights
    >of the old days. But, the truth comes first, and I am finding less
    >and less to disagree about. I feel uncomfortable de-converting
    >Christians, although Christianity is certainly in decline. There
    >are more important issues than owning up to the mythical nature of
    >Christianity. Mostly important is how well you take care of yourself.
    >Hmmm. Eternal life is a nice thought. With all due respect, if you
    >are convinced that that is the way it is, go with it. I'm always
    >happy to present the other side if you feel your life would be better
    >without Christianity. I'm not on a crusade ;-)
    >Happy New Year to you, also


    Though I am glad that you want to belong and to be involved in the
    discussions of ASA, a organization of and for Christians in Science. We
    had via this asa-list discussions, and I am sorry that you insist on
    denigrating our Christian faith, but why do you continue to "attack" many
    Christian doctrines? You know as well as all Christians, that no one is
    forcing you to believe that Jesus died for your and my sins. No one is
    forcing you to accept the Bible as God's Word. You can almost always
    expect to get reactions from Christians, who believe that Jesus is their
    Saviour, and accept the Bible as God's Word, but why do you do that?


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