RE: Infant murder in I Sam 15

From: Adrian Teo (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 20:07:27 EST

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "RE: Noah not in the Black Sea"

    Hello Rich,

    Your sociologically-informed comments seem to miss my point. I was
    simply trying to make the point that the Bible should be viewed and
    understood as an unity ( i.e. revelation from a God who is not of two
    minds nor two natures), and not as two separate collections.

            -----Original Message-----
            From: []
            Sent: Wed 12/18/2002 2:44 PM
            To: Adrian Teo;;
            Subject: Re: Infant murder in I Sam 15

            In a message dated 12/18/02 4:57:41 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

                    The Israelites' understanding of God and His ways
    appears to be less complete than that of the NT writers, but the NT
    writers formed their understanding from and based on the OT material
    handed down to them.

            Yes, there was a general dissatisfaction in the NT period
    with the Temple sacrificial system which was a tripartite sacrifical
    system such as hinduism. People in the NT period looked back to the
    pure religion before the tripartite system which had only arisen
    during the conquest of the landed agricultural states by
    pastoralists. Toynbee remarks that this polluted the religion of the
    primeval shepherds with the baggage of social stratification. I base
    part of that remark on melchizedek a mythological figure who comes
    from a time before social stratification when priests and kings were
    not different social strata but the priest was the king
    (melchi-zedek, king/priest) and there was no social stratification.
    This dissatisfaction is strongly attested in Hebrews 7.
            Even in genesis it has been suggested that the refence to
    melchizedek is an interpolation placed there by solomon to induce the
    tribes to embrace the sacrificial system, the levitical priesthood
    and the capital at jerusalem because they didn't want a kingdom, they
    were tribal people.

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