Re: Fwd: Identity of the ID designer

From: D. F. Siemens, Jr. (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 12:58:26 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Infant murder in I Sam 15"

    On Wed, 18 Dec 2002 10:33:45 -0500 Jan de Koning <>
    > <snip>
    > We know as well that
    > through
    > the fall in sin, man destroyed a lot, including his ability to
    > (always?)
    > think right, and that through that fall in sin even our thoughts are
    > not
    > what they should be. We do indeed need Jesus Christ as our Saviour
    > to help
    > us. Those grounds are basic.
    > <snip>
    > Jan

    Seems then that Galileo and Kepler were right in their thinking, but
    Newton (an Arian) may not have been. Goedel and Einstein clearly did not
    have the "ability to think right," but all the orthodox Christians do.
    This means that none of the brethren can contradict each other, so that
    some on the list must be pseudo-Christians. Or do you suppose that some
    Calvinists need to rethink what they say about the Fall?

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