Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 11:18:51 EST
This seemed a rather lengthy answer to a simple question. I believe and
embrace creationism. The Bible clearly states that God created Man, not some
amoebic ooze that became man over time. When someone asks me, which came
first the chicken or the egg, I know the answer. God created every animal.
Admittedly, I have never gone back to the original Hebrew to determine if the
word for man actually means "amoebic ooze that became man over time." Do I
think we have the whole story? No, absolutely not. I don't have the answer
but I am confident in what the answer isn't.
And here I am, caught up in the evolution wars - no longer lurking!
Quoting Keith Miller <>:
> > what is the general concensus here? do you all believe in evolution
> > and are
> > you trying to interpret the Bible from a Darwinian perspective
> (which
> > would
> > be the next logical step) or do you embrace creationism or something
> > else?
> > rich
> >
> I don't have the time to respond in detail. However, the question
> above has a number of false assumptions and sets out the issue in
> conflict metaphor from the start.
> The proper questions to ask are: What is the best theological
> scholarship available regarding the hermenutics of the relevant
> biblical passages. How do we best interpret the scripture taken on its
> own authority? What do the Biblical passages actually say? How would
> they have been understood by the original hearers, in their particular
> linguistic, cultural and historical context? What was the message that
> God was intending to communicate through the authors?
> A second set of appropriate questions center on: What is the reality
> of the physical universe in which we dwell? What is the current state
> of the physical universe and what are the processes by which it
> operates? What is the history of this physical universe that can be
> reconstructed from the evidence accessible to our senses?
> There is nothing in the above that places the Bible and evolution (or
> any other scientific conception of the world) in necessary conflict.
> As God's image bearers I believe that God has given us the tools to
> understand his Creation, and thus to excercise proper stewardship over
> it. Science is an expression of this God given commission to rule
> Creation as His appointed representatives.
> Keith
Sheila McGinty
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