Re: Evolution & Identity of the ID designer

From: George Murphy (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 12:32:53 EST

  • Next message: allenroy: "Re: The Pentateuch dissected and revised" wrote:
    > In a message dated 12/2/02 9:30:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,
    > writes:
    > > The question of _how_ evolution takes place is of course more difficult.
    > > But we
    > > would avoid a lot of wasted time & posturing if we would agree that it
    > > _has_ taken
    > > place.
    > > Shalom,
    > > George
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > Yes, why waste time. I would like to draw your attention to two at first
    > seemingly disconnected facts. In the Bell Curve, a study of IQ differentials,
    > an entire page is devoted to identifying the group with the highest mean IQ
    > in the world. That group is Ashkenazi Jewry from Eastern Europe with a mean
    > IQ of 117. The way this is accomplished within one of these religious
    > communities is by marrying the daughters of the grand rebbes ONLY to the most
    > brilliant of the young religious men in the community (who later become the
    > grand rebbe) suggesting that there is a definite connection between high IQ
    > and breeding practice among Ashkenazi Jewry. Now that you've read that fact,
    > I would like to point out that in the Origin of Species Darwin points out
    > that "as can be seen in genesis, the colour of domestic animals was at that
    > early period attended to," but he does not give chapter and verse. I found
    > it. It's Genesis 28 and 29, the story of Jacob, his wives and Laban's flocks.
    > If you read the chapters carefully you will immediately notice the connection
    > between the marrying practices of Ashkenazi Jewry, their IQ and Jacob's
    > concerns over having a "dull eyed" wife, concerns which prompt him to take
    > retaliatory action against laban by WEAKENING the breed of his flocks.
    > Evolution takes place as a result of differential reproductive success. The
    > fittest survive. If you take selection out of the hands of nature and put it
    > in a breeder's hands, the breeder becomes the selecting environment and
    > evolves the form/traits he chooses. If he chooses that the product of his
    > efforts have high intelligence, he selects for intelligence. Only the fittest
    > are allowed to (survive) be grand rebbe.
    > The conclusion:
    > Jews (on average) are the smartest people in the world because they are
    > descended from orthodox breeding communities who obey God's Law as it is
    > expounded in genesis. The Bible is biologically accurate. This is a known
    > fact among many academics, among them Kevin MacDonald, author of a trilogy on
    > Judaism, and others. If the Jews are indeed the smartest people in the world
    > as a result of following God's Law, what are we doing?
    > rich
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------
    > In a message dated 12/2/02 9:30:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,
    > writes:
    > The question of _how_ evolution takes place is of course
    > more difficult. But we
    > would avoid a lot of wasted time & posturing if we would
    > agree that it _has_ taken
    > place.
    > Shalom,
    > George
    > Yes, why waste time. I would like to draw your attention to two at
    > first seemingly disconnected facts. In the Bell Curve, a study of IQ
    > differentials, an entire page is devoted to identifying the group with
    > the highest mean IQ in the world. That group is Ashkenazi Jewry from
    > Eastern Europe with a mean IQ of 117. The way this is accomplished
    > within one of these religious communities is by marrying the daughters
    > of the grand rebbes ONLY to the most brilliant of the young religious
    > men in the community (who later become the grand rebbe) suggesting
    > that there is a definite connection between high IQ and breeding
    > practice among Ashkenazi Jewry. Now that you've read that fact, I
    > would like to point out that in the Origin of Species Darwin points
    > out that "as can be seen in genesis, the colour of domestic animals
    > was at that early period attended to," but he does not give chapter
    > and verse. I found it. It's Genesis 28 and 29, the story of Jacob, his
    > wives and Laban's flocks. If you read the chapters carefully you will
    > immediately notice the connection between the marrying practices of
    > Ashkenazi Jewry, their IQ and Jacob's concerns over having a "dull
    > eyed" wife, concerns which prompt him to take retaliatory action
    > against laban by WEAKENING the breed of his flocks.
    > Evolution takes place as a result of differential reproductive
    > success. The fittest survive. If you take selection out of the hands
    > of nature and put it in a breeder's hands, the breeder becomes the
    > selecting environment and evolves the form/traits he chooses. If he
    > chooses that the product of his efforts have high intelligence, he
    > selects for intelligence. Only the fittest are allowed to (survive) be
    > grand rebbe.
    > The conclusion:
    > Jews (on average) are the smartest people in the world because they
    > are descended from orthodox breeding communities who obey God's Law as
    > it is expounded in genesis. The Bible is biologically accurate. This
    > is a known fact among many academics, among them Kevin MacDonald,
    > author of a trilogy on Judaism, and others. If the Jews are indeed the
    > smartest people in the world as a result of following God's Law, what
    > are we doing?
    > rich

            While perhaps of interest, this would change the focus of the
    considerably. Putting aside a number of other caveats, I would just
    note the following:
            The notion that the ideas about breeding in Genesis 28 & 29
    can be equated with
    "God's Law" cannot be maintained. Jacob is pictured as a good con
    artist who knows some
    practical facts about animal breeding, but also as making use of
    notions that we know
    today are incorrect, like the belief that a child's physical
    appearance _in utero_ can
    be altered by the appearance of some startling thing that its mother
    sees while carrying
    it. As Westermann (_Genesis: A Practical Commentary_, p.214) puts
    it: "There are
    magical notions in the background, but the critical element in the
    case of Jacob is his
    intention to breed for a specific purpose by using his knowledge of
    animal behavior."


    George L. Murphy

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