Re: Evolution & Identity of the ID designer

From: Dr. Blake Nelson (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 08:27:34 EST

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Evolution & Identity of the ID designer"

    I was not trying to be exhaustive, merely
    illustrative. And natural selection is incorporated
    in all three in some form.

    --- wrote:
    > In a message dated 12/1/02 11:20:36 PM Eastern
    > Standard Time,
    > writes:
    > > neo-Darwinianism,
    > > punctuated equilibrium, and lamarckianism -- are
    > all
    > >
    > neo-Darwinism if I'm not mistaken is ideologically
    > driven but I could be
    > wrong. Punctuated equilibrium is SJ Gould's attempt
    > to explain the spread of
    > adaptive traits. Lamarckianism (the inheritance of
    > acquired characteristics)
    > has been debunked regarding biological evolution
    > although it does in a sense
    > operate in cultural evolution.
    > The major theory of how evolution occurs is natural
    > selection.
    > rich

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