Re: The Pentateuch dissected and revised

Date: Sun Dec 01 2002 - 11:22:59 EST

  • Next message: Iain Strachan: "RE: Design detection and minimum description length"

    In a message dated 12/1/02 9:40:27 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    > Good point Terry. Nowhere in the Pentateuch does it say who or when the
    > final version was written. A priori I cannot rule out a 5th cent final
    > editing but tend to about 1000BC. However I do think it a wee bit unlikely
    > that Moses wrote Deut 34 though I do know what Mark Twain would have said.
    > It is 30 years since my OT lecturer took the mick out of JEPD and he wasnt
    > even a conservative!!

    I would suggest that Genesis was edited during Solomon's reign if we consider
    the interpolation at Genesis 14:18, the reference to melchizedek which was a
    legitimization of the erection of the Temple sacrificial system at Jerusalem.


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