>Hi Walter
>You wrote in part:
>> I've seen that before (on an ASA website) and I think that it is a bit
>> scary. If I take you literally, I should just toss a coin for my
>> decisions knowing that nothing is random and God is in charge of the
>> outcome of the coin flip.
>> No Thanks :)
>Why do you find this scary? I find it a great source of reassurance and
>comfort in the greatness and sovereignty of God.
It would appear that one particular "act of the apostles" has relevance here:
001:023 And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was
surnamed Justus, and Matthias.
001:024 And they prayed, and said, Thou, Lord, which knowest the
hearts of all men, shew whether of these two thou hast chosen,
001:025 That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from
which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own
001:026 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon
Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
So, were they wrong to do this?
Preston G.
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