Re: Theological basis for stewardship and creation care

From: Keith B Miller (
Date: Fri May 10 2002 - 11:42:46 EDT

  • Next message: JW Burgeson: "RE: The Problem of Liberal Theology"

    >Thanks for your stewardship outline, Keith. One knee jerk response I had
    >was to the Stewardship of Human Knowledge section 2(b) where you say we
    >can't be stewards of what we don't know and understand. We can be stewards
    >and are stewards over things we don't know and understand. As stewards
    >over God's creation there are many things we don't understand yet watch
    >over and protect. Also as stewards of the church we are given the
    >mysteries of God in trust (ICor. 4:1, etc.). So it is that even though our
    >knowledge isn't perfect and our understanding is faulty - the call to
    >stewardship will embrace even those things.

    Yes, I take your point. However, part of stewardship should be seeking
    knowledge where it can be found, and applying that knowledge to our
    management of the creation.

    Also, part of my meaning in the above was that we cannot steward what we
    don't even know exists. That is the case for many of us with regard to the
    creation. In our western technological culture we have been removed and
    isolated from the natural world to such an extent that we are largely
    unaware of it. For many people, the natural world is divided into large
    categories such as "trees", "bushes", "grass", "weeds", and "flowers".
    Unaware of the teaming diversity of life and its complex interactions, how
    can we possible be proper stewards. It would be like being given a large
    inheritance, but never knowing what it contained. How could you manage it?


    Keith B. Miller
    Department of Geology
    Kansas State University
    Manhattan, KS 66506

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