Hi Michael,
>From: "Michael Roberts" <michael.andrea.r@ukonline.co.uk>
>To: "Steve Bishop" <stevebishop_uk@hotmail.com>, <kbmill@ksu.edu>
>CC: <asa@calvin.edu>
>Subject: Re: Theological basis for stewardship and creation care
>Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 18:59:55 +0100
>I remember that time I responded to your article. It was on the grounds of
>the Fall as I felt you were arguing that there was no animal death before
>the Fall. As there was death some 4 billion years before Adam took a bite
>out of whatever fruit it was this is important, as to argue otherwise will
>slew our understanding of our natural world.
>Surely Iwas TOTALLY right as usual!!!!
I didn't think I was arguing that!!!! I certainly didn't intend to!!!
As I recall (and of course I may only be partially right!)- I don't have the
journal issue to hand - you took me to task for using Calvin's phrase of the
fall: 'perverted the whole order of nature in heaven and earth', and saying
that the nature of the fall depended upon whether or not we took scientific
issues into account. I was trying to dodge the issue!
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