Re: Redheads descended from Neanderthals?

Date: Wed Jan 30 2002 - 21:08:50 EST

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: Redheads descended from Neanderthals?"

    I'm hardly qualified to get into this discussion, but I will venture far
    enough to suggest the book "Whatever Happened to the Soul?", edited by Warren
    S. Brown, Nancey Murphy, and H. Newton Malony (1998, Fortress Press). In
    general the book supports a non-reductive monism. In a chapter on the
    biblical aspects, theologian Joel Green make the following comment (in a
    footnote at the end of his paper), "In the end, these results can only be
    provisional since we have examined small portions of representative biblical
    materials. As references to other scholars indicate..., however, the
    prevailling view in the SCHOLARLY study of Scripture is that the Old and New
    Testaments support a monistic rendering of the human person. This has not
    been true in more POPULAR circles, perhaps due in large part to the influence
    of Cartesian categories in Christian hymnody and in medicine."[p.173]

    Karl V. Evans

    In a message dated 1/29/02 8:07:35 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

    << At 07:27 PM 29/01/02 -0500, wrote:
    >I don't want to get into the "soul-spirit" idea in the NT, but in the OT,
    >every fish, animal, and bird has a "living soul", nephesh hayah (Gen 1:21,
    >30, et al) the same thing which Adam becomes in 2:7. It is not unique to
     Can we speak about "having" a soul? Is it not better to speak of being a
     "soul"? This discussion would need to go then into a different direction
     as well. Personally, I believe that the moment of my death is the moment
     of my resurrection. As we read that we will not go ahead of people going
     before us, but that all of us will be raised and as it were together with
     the ones still living and the ones dead for centuries, we will meet
     Jesus. We become a living "soul" again.
     I would like to see a thorough study of the use of "nephesh" in the OT,
     which then has to be carried forth into a study of the NT. Thus far I have
     not seen many studies in English on this subject.
       This doctrine and the doctrine of the creation of time are closely
     connected, and need to be discussed. Is "time' a fourth dimension of our
     present existence, which will be completely different in
     eternity? Personally, the only thing I am sure of is, that we will be with
     Jan de K.

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