RE: Redheads descended from Neanderthals?

From: Vandergraaf, Chuck (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2002 - 10:35:46 EST

  • Next message: Jan de Koning: "RE: Redheads descended from Neanderthals?"

    Yes, the Frisians in what is now North Holland were cut off from those in
    Fryslan during the flood and eventually were assimilated by the Hollanders.
    As to the Groningers, they may have intruded from the south.
    As this forum is supposed to deal with science and religion, I may invoke
    the ire of some if I continue this exchange here. If necessary, we can
    continue this discussion privately.
    BTW, our youngest son sports a head of red hair; not sure if this came from
    my side of the family (Frisian) or my wife's (Irish). My only connection to
    red hair may be that I don't tan, but burn to a crisp on a sunny day. :-(

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jan de Koning []
    Sent: Tuesday January 29, 2002 9:24 AM
    To: Vandergraaf, Chuck
    Cc: Asa@Calvin. Edu; 'Glenn Morton'
    Subject: RE: Redheads descended from Neanderthals?

    At 09:38 AM 29/01/02 -0500, Vandergraaf, Chuck wrote:


    Frisians apparently originated from an area around southern Sweden and
    Denmark and migrated southwards, possibly as far as Bennekom (sp?) in the
    Netherlands. Frisians may have settled in Kent (UK). There certainly are
    linguistic links with some of the Scandinavian languages.

    Chuck Vandergraaf
    Pinawa, MB


    They may have been that "far" south, but due to the St.Elisabeth's flood
    they must have been cut off. Between Bennekom and Friesland used to be the
    Zuiderzee (South sea). South of the Zuiderzee a germanic dialect was and is
    Linguistic links of Friesian and English and Scandinavian (exclude Finnish,
    which is a group by itself) are more noticeable than between Friesian and
    The strange thing is, that the Gronings dialect and the Low German of
    northern Germany are almost indistinguishible
    but that group cuts the Friesian language off from the Scandinavian
    languages. I don't know how far Low German has invaded Denmark.
    Jan de Koning
    Toronto, Ont.

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