John Newton & William Cowper hymns

Date: Sun Jan 27 2002 - 07:56:58 EST

  • Next message: "a question about Genesis 46-47"

    This year the William Cowper and John Newton Museum will have a special one
    day conference on the hymns of these two great men. God willing, I am
    planning to attend. The date is Saturday, April 27 in Olney, England. I am
    sending you the information in case you would like to join us in attending
    this conference. I am not sure if the folks planning the conference know the
    Lord and when I attended their conference on Cowper 2 years ago, I developed
    a friendship with several and urged them to have such a conference on the
    hymns hoping that as folks studied the hymns that they would come to know the
    Savior about whom the hymns were written. If you are able to attend, I urge
    you to try to do so.

    Below is the site information:

    Site for
    William Cowper & John Newton Museum

    Site for
    Second Annual Cowper & Newton Day, Saturday, April 27, 2002

    Helen Martin

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