RE: tidbits on oil

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Sun Jan 20 2002 - 23:50:17 EST

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    Chuck wrote:

    >Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 12:16 PM

    >My guess is that the first evidence of the impact of a decrease in oil will
    >be a sharp reduction in air travel: trains can run of electrical energy and
    >ships can go back to using coal, if necessary. But it's a bit of a stretch
    >to think of coal-powered 747s. ;-)
    There is a process to turn coal into a diesel-type fuel. The Germans used it
    to run their war machine in WWII. However, the anthracite coal deposits of
    the US are at the end of their Hubbert curve so that coal is not there.
    Bituminous coal is somewhere prior to Hubbert peak but I have heard some
    worrying reports about the useful energy we will get out of it by 2040 being
    less than what it costs to mine it. Don't know if those reports are true or

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