Re: Research tools at the ASA web site

From: Jack Haas (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 11:59:58 EST

  • Next message: bivalve: "Status of YEC in U.S., 1848"


    1. One can learn more than you want to know about citation of non-PDF
    articles on the web at

    2. There are several reasons (excuses) that have caused us to avoid this
    format in post 1989 PSCF files (later ones are on disk in various versions
    of WP and Ventura)

    (a) Until the most recent edition of Adobe, it was difficult to add graphics
     color, after the fact.
    (b) The black format of PDF files is boring to the younger generation
    (c) The added effects that we place on the papers makes them much easier to
    (d) PDF files are 5 - 10 times larger - longer download/printing time.
    (e) Is there a volunteer(s) who knows PDF and has the latest version who is
    willing to work on transcribing files (gratis)?
    Jack Haas, Web Editor

    Date: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 04:10:50
    Subject: Re: Research tools at the ASA web site

    Any chance of getting the online articles posted as PDF files? It would make

    citing of the articles much easier.

    Karl V. Evans

    In a message dated 1/15/02 11:07:57 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

    << Hi everyone,

    Allan Harvey asked a question the other day to which I replied with
    some info from the ASA web site. I wanted to walk folks through the
    ASA website tool that I used to find the answer. Perhaps others will
    find this tool useful in the future.

    Allan asked about the Draper and White warfare between Christianity
    and science thesis. The question rang a little bell in my head that
    there was a PSCF journal article on the subject, but I couldn't
    remember the details.

    So I went to the web page at and clicked on the
    "Search the database of Perspectives in Science and Christian Faith
    (PSCF) and the Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation
    (JASA)." link in the PSCF section of the home page.

    From there I typed in "war" in the title search field and found 43
    journal titles with "war" in them (some were "Warfield", "toward",
    etc). The 4th one listed was the Lindberg and Numbers paper, and, lo
    and behold, there was a web link showing that this article was
    on-line. Click on the link and, presto! there is the article
    "answering" Allan's question with a decent bibliography. (The article
    happens to be a reprint of the 1986 "Church History" that a couple of
    people mentioned.)

    The journal database is up-to-date through June 2001 with most the of
    effort through 1996 being that of Paul Arveson. Jack Haas and I
    continue to put journal articles on-line and as we do the database
    reflects those additons. We will soon have most of the 90's decade
    on-line and linked to the journal index.

    You can also use the new Google site index (available from the front
    page, with some refinements at
    This index is at the mercy of Google, but their web indexing is very
    impressive. We've got a bit of a problem with the multiplicity of
    domain names for the ASA site ( and as the
    main names with only being active now--BTW if you find a
    URL on a search engine with as the site simply replace with and you should find the web page.

    Please make use of this resource and pass on to me any suggestions
    for improvement that you might have.


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