Prayer request

From: Mccarrick Alan D CRPH (
Date: Fri Jan 11 2002 - 09:15:24 EST

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: [NEWS] Press Release: Dembski attacks Pennock and MIT Press"

    I would appreciate your prayers for my Father. He lives alone, and last week must have fallen in the tub at the same time the house heater went on the blink. His neighbor called us after not seen Dad for a couple of days. The house was about 50F when we found him. When the EMTs got him to the hospital, his core temperature was 27C (81F) and he was severely dehydrated ! He has since began to recover mentally, but is very weak. Now comes the problems of helping him decide whether it will even be possible to go back home, or live with us, or a nursing facility. My wife and I need God's wisdom and strength.

    Al McCarrick

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