Re: The ASA List

From: Moorad Alexanian (
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 11:59:11 EDT

  • Next message: Hofmann, Jim: "RE: The ASA List"

    My concern is that there is an archive that can be accessed by anyone and so
    posts that are not very sensible will give a negative view of this list. No
    matter what is one's view one has to moderate the presentation and not be
    very repetitive about it. I strongly believe that the notion of a God
    outside our spacetime is not derivable by any human thought. It is a waste
    of time for everyone to entertain such a notion and may indicate the state
    of mind of those who profess it. Moorad

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Loren Haarsma" <>
    To: "_American Sci Affil" <>
    Cc: "Jack Haas" <>
    Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 9:32 AM
    Subject: Re: The ASA List

    > I recommend something like the following:
    > 1) Continue to support an unrestricted, unmoderated e-list.
    > Once a week or so, post a "disclaimer" to the list saying that we maintain
    > this list as a public service, any are welcome to join it, and the views
    > can be widely varied.
    > 2) Start an e-mail list restricted to ASA members. I hope the
    > signal-to-noise and courtesy would remain high on the restricted list.
    > If not, moderate the list for a few weeks at a time.
    > Loren Haarsma

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