D. F. Siemens, Jr. wrote:
on 8/31/01 3:21 AM, psiigii at psiigii@home.com wrote:
> >
> > >> >Thank you, James! God did not create mathematics, nor did He
> > create physics.
> > >
> If God created mathematics, which ones among the various alternatives?
> Integer arithmetic, real numbers, imaginary numbers, mixed numbers (and
> the sophisticated analytical ways to handle the latter), infinite
> numbers, modular numbers (in infinite variety). Absolute geometry,
> Euclidean, Lobachevskian, Riemannian, analytic, and various extensions in
> terms of dimensions and techniques, etc. Newton's fluxions, Maclaurin's
> redoing these as geometric theorems, differential calculus, integrals,
> partial differentials, and a variety of more sophiticated versions. What
> is provably true in some of these is provably false in others. And Goedel
> and others have proved that there unprovables. Is the deity behind this
> confusion, along with complexity theory (aka deterministic chaos)? On
> what basis can you render a decision of divine involvement?
With all due respect, it seems the more educated people get
the less common sense they have.
The two following statements ar not mutually exclusive:
1. God created Mathematics.
2. Mathematics can prove God.
I know teenage kids w/o a h.s. diploma who can understand the
following explanation:
The brain is like a computer
running a program called
Reality. Any change in the
program is a law of mathematics,
but any change in the computer
is an act of God.
Now obviously you can write a mathematical
computer program to describe Boolean algebra
and binary numbers and totally describe the
computer (God). On the other hand it is
obvious that the program cannot exist
without the computer, and if you suddenly
upgrade the processor from a 486 to a
1-gHz Pentium, this is going to cause a
"miracle" as far as the math program is
All this is the same for the human brain,
and this explains how God "creates" Reality,
even though man can discover the existence
of God using the laws of Reality.... sheesh....
you guys are really slow.
-- Be sure to visit my website below ----------------------------------------------------------- George Hammond, M.S. Physics Email: ghammond@mediaone.net Website: http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html -----------------------------------------------------------
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