Discontinuity Conference Report

From: pruest@pop.dplanet.ch
Date: Wed Aug 29 2001 - 14:50:41 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Is Jesus God? (was: Is Jonah to be taken literally?)"

    Stephen J. Krogh wrote:

    > Looking at the word-for-word translation of the Hebrew text, one finds this
    > phraseology: "and was evening and was morning day Xth." The NIV renders the
    > time markers in this way: "And there was evening, and there was morning -
    > the Xth day." The word arrangement in both cases is a departure from the
    > simple and ordinary. It creates ambiguity. If "day Xth" was intended as the
    > noun compliment for the one evening and morning together, the linking verb
    > should appear just once, in plural form (as the KJV renders it): And the
    > evening and the morning were the Xth day." We would expect the literal
    > Hebrew to say, "and were evening and morning day Xth." However, this is not
    > the case. This syntactic ambiguity does not constitute a proof. However, it
    > does at least suggest an indefinite period for each phase of the creation.

    More about these creation days being long periods can be found in R.C.
    Newman & H.J. Eckelmann, "Genesis One and the Origin of the Earth"
    (Hatfield, PA: IBRI, 3rd ed. 1989), p.61 ff; P.G. Phillips, "Are the
    Days of Genesis Longer than 24 Hours? The Bible Says 'Yes!'" (Hatfield,
    PA: IBRI, 1991); A. Held & P. Rüst, "Genesis Reconsidered", PSCF 51 (Dec
    1999), p.231 ff (refer also to notes 29 & 30).

    Peter Ruest

    Dr Peter Ruest, <pruest@dplanet.ch>
    CH-3148 Lanzenhaeusern, Switzerland
    Biochemistry - Creation and evolution
    Creative providence in biology (Gen.2:3):
    "..the work which God created (in order) to (actively) evolve it"

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