Re: Why YEC?

Date: Wed Aug 22 2001 - 06:39:36 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Saints (Was Re: Why YEC?)"

    Paul Seely wrote:

    > I am uncomfortable with the words "lying" and "lie" in the above. Being
    > mistaken about something, and insisting on the truth of something false
    > as a result, is just being mistaken, not lying. At least in my thinking.
    > As such, I don't really see any "commitment to darkness" involved, and
    > certainly no "demons."

    I think I can basically agree with you here.
    My take on the matter is that YEC folk work from
    the following line of thinking:

    (1) the bible is a book of true facts
    (2) if something contradicts those "facts" see (1).

    I don't have the reference, but I remember reading
    some writings of Francis Bacon in my Western Civilization
    class many years ago. Bacon (in reference to the
    methodologies used by contemporaries of his day) said
    something to the effect that many scholars assumed
    that all of reality must be interpreted
    according to the very words of Aristotle, rather
    than verified in the world to see if it made
    sense. Descartes also griped of the same
    methodologies, although not in to the form of
    such an impressionable rant.

    I think it is something everyone can fall prey to
    in varying degrees. For example, in my days as
    a student, the demands of tests in my science
    classes often tempted me to just memorize the
    stupid equations in some book and to only learn
    enough to pass the exam, rather than seek a
    a solid understanding of the material at any
    price. To succumb to that is a similar folly
    to simply "believing". Most of the material
    in a science textbook is in effect "peer
    reviewed" and reasonably reliable; however,
    books can be wrong.

    Likewise, as a researcher, there is the
    temptation to simply take somebody's result
    and use it (with due referencing of course),
    rather than check if the claim even makes

    At some point though, I cannot verify everything
    I read, and I have to accept things on the basis
    of authority alone. For example, I cannot verify
    every news story. For that matter, I have never
    verified that Francis Bacon actually lived, rather
    I trust the writings of historians that he did.

    So I would attribute the YEC way of thinking
    to a misguided sense of how to view and respect
    authority and particularly the authority of
    writers of books of antiquity. The Bible is a
    book written by God's people, but that is not
    the same as saying that God simply put words
    into their mouths on what they were to say.
    The Bible is *not* a bunch of mumbo jumbo "oh
    worship me because I'm so great" stuff, but
    it is a reference for all of us on how to
    live out a Godly life by way of the examples
    we read of real people who did (or did not)

    by Grace we proceed,

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