Fw: LU-Announce, 8 August 2001: Ethics of the Environment

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Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 11:58:48 EDT

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    LU-Announce, 8 August 2001: Ethics of the Environment
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: kseabourn@clm.org
    To: lu-announce@leaderu.com
    Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 5:40 AM
    Subject: LU-Announce, 8 August 2001: Ethics of the Environment

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    In a reversal, President Bush said "No" to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which he says unfairly impose emission controls on developed nations. In another controversy, the Federal government will allow oil drilling on protected lands. A global, mainstreamed environmental movement strenuously opposes such moves. What worldview do they represent? What responsibility do Christians bear? See our Special Feature.

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      A Leadership University Special Feature

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    Ethics of the Environment

    Due to the current debate over U.S. reluctance to approve the Kyoto Accords, which call for developed nations to reduce carbon emissions below pre-1990 levels, and the presidential campaign issue of domestic energy resources, the environment is a live-wire issue once again. Since the 1970s, radical environmental groups like Greenpeace have made headlines with terrorist-style exploits to "protect Mother earth." Meantime, a larger, more mature global movement has been evolving. Universities such as Harvard have inaugurated whole study programs on a relatively recent academic discipline known as environmental ethics. The National Council of Churches promotes a doctrine of eco-justice, calling for the "wealthier members of the human family" to make a fundamental reorientation...in the very socioeconomic structures of our societies and personal lifestyles."

    Modern-day evangelical Christians have largely abdicated the issue of environmental responsibility to those representing radically different positions on the nature of humans as we related to the natural world and our responsibilities regarding our environment. On the other hand, much of liberal Christianity reflects the philosophies of deep ecology, ecocentric environmentalism, ecofeminism, etc. Thus, New Age-oriented adherents to environmentalism and some who claim to be Christians themselves have misrepresented the biblical mandate to take dominion over and serve as the steward of Creation. Yet again, other Christians--mainly evangelicals--are guilty of ignoring proper care for the Creation, seeing it as a "liberal's issue." Both extremes invite criticism.

    As with any other subject, when exploring environmental ethics, one needs to discern the underlying worldview in order to understand and critique it. What is the philosophy's view of humankind in relation to nature? Is human progress seen as bad, good, or even the central issue? Is there a true balance between the biblical elevation of man as steward/co-creator/image-bearer and the avoidance of that role's abuse? Backing up a step, is the assumption of man as superior to the rest of nature mere arrogance? What are the foundational presuppositions of the various branches of today's environmental movement and where do they lead? Our Special Focus examines these questions.

    Feature Articles
    Christian Environmentalism
    Dr. Ray Bohlin
    What duty do Christians have toward the environment? What concerns or common interests do they have with current environmental movements? The author gives a biblical basis for environmental stewardship.

    The Virgin and the Dynamo: The Use and Abuse of Religion in Environmental Debates
    Review by Thomas Sieger Derr
    Derr reviews Royal's book and its new approach to the relation between religion and ecological concerns.

    Global Eco-Logic
    Thomas Sieger Derr
    Derr opines on the Earth Charter, a document drafted by environmental organizations intended for ratification by the United Nations.

    Three Biblical Principles For Environmental Stewardship
    Dr. Calvin B. DeWitt
    Brief statement on a Christian view of the believer's mandate from Scripture regarding the Creation from University of Wisconsin-Madison professor DeWitt. Includes Earthkeeping, Sabbath and Fruitfulness Principles.

    Global Warming
    Dr. Ray Bohlin
    Fossil fuel emissions are unfairly being blamed for global warming. The Kyoto Protocol is based on questionable science, and will cause unnecessary economic hardship.

    Fears Rise as Ozone Levels Drop
    Dr. Hugh Ross
    A 1991 bulletin from the founder of Reasons to Believe, this essay takes a sober look at research of that period. The most valuable part for Christians is his advice on how to respond to the fears the subject raises, especially for the sake of nonbelievers.

    The Gospel of the Trees: The strange rise of eco-faith
    David Klinghoffer
    Are the environmental policies of G.W. Bush foolish? Reckless? Or positively sinful? All three, with an emphasis on "sinful," according to religious environmentalists, devotees of something called "eco-faith."

    Christ and Creation's Longing
    Richard John Neuhaus
    Fr. Neuhaus wrote a book about the ecology movement that was published in the early 1970's. At the time, critics of the book said that he simply made too much of a harmless movement that was rooted in common sense. What reflections does the author have about this issue more than a quarter of a century later?

    The Great Fear
    Kenneth R. Weinstein
    Book review of The Green Crusade: Rethinking the Roots of Environmentalism, by Charles T. Rubin.

    A Federalist's Approach to Protecting the Environment
    Fife Symington
    A governor reflects on the stewardship understanding of environmental protection that is, he says, most consistent with limited and constitutional government.


    Related Articles

    Tracking the Ozone Layer: What is the Ozone Layer and How Does It Affect You?
    Forrest M. Mims III
    "Evaluating claims about the ozone layer requires basic knowledge not only about ozone and its effects on ultraviolet, but about the research methods that have been used to understand the ozone layer's dynamics. Hopefully, this article has provided some of that knowledge and perhaps even sparked some interest in doing some independent investigating. If so, be sure to check out some of the resources mentioned on the Readings about Ozone and Ultraviolet page [http://www.arn.org/currpage/reading.htm]."

    UN Conferences
    Kerby Anderson
    Looks at UN Conferences held in 1990s and focuses most attention on Habitat II. Concludes with a discussion of globalism. A doctrine of environmental ethics contrary to a biblical understanding of man's relationship to nature figures heavily into the assumptions and decrees of several UN conferences, portending the demise of national sovereignty, draconian taxes and regulations and other ill effects.

    Animal Rights, Human Rights
    Thomas Sieger Derr
    Derr discusses in depth the various arguments used by the animal rights lobby, which has recently gained quite a bit of attention while the debate takes on new rigor (and sometimes heat). One example, as Derr interprets it: "Humanity is finally a dispensable species: ultimate value is assigned to the whole process of nature rather than any special part of it. We have been, it is said, wrongly anthropocentric."

    The Exclusion Zone
    Cham Dallas, Ph.D.
    Dr. Dallas led a research team into the Exclusion Zone, containing the highest radioactive contamination following the world's worst nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. The physical destruction that would have lasting consequences pointed to deeper, spiritual needs worsened by a worldview of exploitation and statism.


    Related Site

    AuSable Institute of Environmental Studies
    Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies provides courses for college students, environmental education for school children and adults, retreats and conferences, and educational outreach services for churches and the wider world community. We do so from campuses in the Great Lakes Forest of northern Michigan, Puget Sound in the Pacific Northwest, Tangier Island in the Chesapeake Bay, East Africa, and South India.


    Other Sites, Other Views

    Subject Guide on the Topic ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS
    Compiled by Timothy C. Weiskel
    Director, Environmental Ethics & Public Policy Program, Harvard University "262 references were found on this topic in The Harvard Union Catalogue on Jan. 13, 1998."

    Links to More Environmental Resources
    The page's introductory text reads, "We hope that the following links will help you to explore some of the possibilities available to you in the community of people that care about God's creation and are working to fulfill a commitment to caring."

    Trumpeter 1990 (Athabasca University, Canada)
    Environmental Ethics - Ethical Ecosphere
    J. Stan Rowe
    Rowe is an Albertan by birth, and spent nineteen years in federal forestry research, until he went to the University of Saskatchewan in 1967. He is now an emeritus professor. His areas of study are ecology, land use, environmental ethics, and other related subjects. He has a new book due called Home Place , which consists of 28 essays on human ecology from an ecocentric point of view (editor's emphasis).

    Syllabus of environmental studies course
    Dr. Geoffrey Frasz
    Fairly extensive bibliography organized by several environmentalist philosophies.


    EasyGift. Making it easy for you to give to Leadership University.
    Many have indicated a desire to give financially to the Leadership University web-based ministry of Christian Leadership Ministries (a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ). We have made it easy to give through our EasyGift secure website. Please visit this site and join us as a financial partner in this important outreach.



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    LU-Announce is written by Keith Seabourn <kseabourn@clm.org>.
    Voice: 972-713-7130, Fax: 972-713-7670.


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