Re: More on TIME MAGAZINE "Secular Trend" cover story

From: George Hammond (
Date: Sun Aug 05 2001 - 01:48:25 EDT

  • Next message: George Hammond: "Re: [ASA] WHY 15-BILLION YEARS = 6000 YEARS"


    Professor Richard Steckel's correct homepage URL is:

    both the Time and Oberlin Alumni articles are URL listed there.

      Of PARTICULAR INTEREST is Professor Steckel's statement on
    page 3 of the Oberlin Article where he mentions the "Theoretical
    Genetic Size" versus the "Actual Size" of an individual:

    "I've asked geneticists how long it will be
    before we can estimate the genetic potential
    for growth of particular individuals. We can
    take a blood sample or a mouth swab, get your
    DNA, determine your height, and conclude how
    tall you should end up. If we know each
    person's growth potential and discover that
    they're falling below that, then we know
    something is wrong"

         (Prof. R.H.Steckel, Oberlin Alumni Magazine,
          page 3, circa 1998)

    Now, some people have objected to my graphical summary
    of this same conclusion given at:

    where I show the difference between the GENOTYPE and
    the PHENOTYPE for each person. For those who have refused
    to believe such a thing exists as stated by Hammond, we
    now see that an internationally recognized authority such
    as Professor Steckel who is appearing in Time Magazine cover
    stories believes the very same thing... in fact he goes
    on in the next paragraph to say:

         ".. and the technology should be available
          to do this within 5 to 10 years."

         (Prof. R.H.Steckel, Oberlin Alumni Magazine,
          page 3, circa 1998)

    this was written apparently 5 years ago BTW.
      So Steckel not only thinks the "growth curve deficit" shown
    in my graph above exists, he thinks that geneticists will
    be measuring it with "mouth swabs" within a few years.
      Now, unbeknownst to Professor Steckel of course, is that
    this "growth deficit" is the direct cause of "God" (Hammond
    website below). Professor Steckel has actually predicted that
    geneticist will be able to physically measure GOD using a
    "mouth swab" within a few years, if not already!

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics

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