Re: Wide variation in mankind's genetic makeup.

From: Mccarrick Alan D CRPH (
Date: Tue Jul 31 2001 - 07:16:55 EDT

  • Next message: Arnold Sikkema: "JOBS: Physical Science/Astronomy/Earth Science at Dordt College"


    I take another slant on the data regarding variety of viable gene sequences.

    It certainly applies to Glenn's Swiss cheese model of theistic evolution - that God created the space of viable life forms such that a random walk through the space will get to His final goal of man. Many YEC calculate probabilities of arranging the gene code based on only one possible viable sequence. We have learned that for every gene, a small variety of sequences are just fine. Now there is not one possible goal, but something like 14 raised to the power 30,000 which works out to approximately 10^(34,384). (Did I do that right ?) These varieties are only those alive now, what about relatively viable options that existed in the past !

    Alan McCarrick

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