Re: Pi

From: William T. Yates (
Date: Sun Jul 29 2001 - 21:39:29 EDT

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: New Search Engine -- ILOR.COM"

    Let's hope Win-doze is not in there! If it were, using pi would probably
    give erroneous answere at random or maybe the equation would just crash.
    Or maybe Microsoft would try to claim proprietary rights to pi and we
    would have to pay royalties to Bill Gates to use it.

    John W Burgeson wrote:
    > BTW, I think that pi is not really random. It just looks that way. So perhaps Microsoft's OS is really not in there after all, much less a description of you or me.

    --Bill Yates
    --Moderator, Writer's Club Christian Writer's Workshop
    --Editor,'s Believer's Weekly
    --Theron Services: Web Design, Editing, Writing

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