RE: Wide variation in mankind's genetic makeup.

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Sat Jul 21 2001 - 11:53:05 EDT

  • Next message: Darryl Maddox: "Re: Wide variation in mankind's genetic makeup."

    Bert wrote:

    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Bert Massie []
    >Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 3:38 PM
    >To: Glenn Morton
    >Cc: Asa@Calvin. Edu
    >Subject: Re: Wide variation in mankind's genetic makeup.
    >Glenn Morton wrote:
    >> There is a report out today that for the 30,000 genes which make
    >up a human,
    >> there are approximately 14 versions for each gene. This has two
    >> implications. First, it means that the genetic makeup of
    >humanity can not be
    >> fit within the past 100,000 years
    >Assuming that the variations arrise from mutations.

    And assuming, of course, that we actually have DNA and that genes actually
    exist, and that chemistry can actually determine anything useful and that
    humans actually exist in a universe that really is here and assuming that
    what we see isn't an illusion inside a decorporated brain which resides
    inside a fluid-filled jar on a table in a lab on some planet outside of our
    universe. One must always be clear about what assumptions one is using!

    One can easily use your silly sophistical technique to doubt anything, thus
    allowing you to maintain any belief system whatsoever. It is really a
    delightfully simple technique which allows one to doubt anything he doesn't
    really like or want to deal with. Your note is merely a great illustration
    of why I have come to believe that the creation/evolution debate is such a
    BIG WASTE OF TIME, and why I have come to believe that too many in the
    christian community are not interested in truth at all but merely in
    maintaining what they believe in spite of the facts. I regret that I posted
    the note.

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