Kind Request From Istanbul, Turkey

From: Sarp Gulyuz (
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 15:25:52 EDT

  • Next message: Stephen Matheson: "Re: Kind Request From Istanbul, Turkey"

    Dear Respectable Sir;

    I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you
    to the works of a world renown and respected scholar,
    Adnan Oktar, from Istanbul, Turkey. The author, whom
    you will have a detailed perception of with the
    following information, has written more than hundred
    books on various topics under the pseudonym Harun
    Yahya, mostly against the materialistic philosophy
    that finds support with Darwinism and the theory of

    The viewpoint of the author that is prevalent in his
    works is to elucidate and explain the apparent
    evidences of Creation in every part of the universe
    and in this respect, he has written several books on
    the collapse of the theory of evolution that denies
    divine creation by God. Quoting from the 22 April 2000
    issue of New Scientist, "..Harun Yahya is an
    international hero. His books have spread everywhere
    in the Islamic world. He has developed his own Islamic
    creationism..." (New Scientist, 22 April 2000, No.
    2235) The devotion of the author to this goal has
    caused the collapse of Darwinism and Darwinist claims
    in Turkey, where scientists are no longer able to say
    anything in support of the theory of evolution.

    As a matter of fact this is revealed in an article in
    May 18 2001 issue of Science magazine under the title
    of "Creationism Takes Root Where Europe, Asia Meet" by
    Robert Koenig: "After being 'outed' as Darwinists, …
    many scientists here (Turkey) fear they are losing
    ground to Turkish creationists in the wider court of
    public opinion… Experts call it the best organized and
    financed in the Islamic world--to discredit the
    teaching of evolution…They've (SRF) also swamped the
    country with sophisticated books such as The Evolution
    Deceit and The Dark Face of Darwinism (both published
    under the pseudonym Harun Yahya), which some
    scientists complain have become more influential than
    textbooks in certain parts of the country." The writer
    goes on saying that this group "has developed one of
    the world's strongest antievolution movements outside
    of North America and has been making inroads in other
    Muslim nations". Besides, the magazine comments below
    the picture of the book, The Evolution Deceit:
    "Creating a stir. Books like The Evolution Deceit
    appear to be gaining readership." (Science, 18 May
    2001, Volume 292, Number 5520)

    The author's books on this topic are; The Evolution
    Deceit, Confessions of Evolutionists, The Blunders of
    Evolutionists, The Dark Magic of Darwinism, The
    Religion of Darwinism, The Real Origin of Life,
    Darwin's Antagonism Against the Turks, The Disasters
    Darwinism Brought to Humanity, The Creation of the
    Universe, The Design in Nature, Self-Sacrifice and
    Intelligent Behavior Models in Animals. Among his
    booklets are The Mystery of the Atom, The Collapse of
    the Theory of Evolution: The Fact of Creation, The
    Collapse of Materialism, The End of Materialism, The
    Blunders of Evolutionists 1, The Blunders of
    Evolutionists 2, The Microbiological Collapse of
    Evolution, The Fact of Creation, The Collapse of the
    Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions, The Biggest
    Deception in the History of Biology: Darwinism.

    In efforts to establish consciousness for the
    justification of the creationist cause, the Harun
    Yahya creation series include topics such as The
    Creation of the Universe, The Design in Nature,
    Self-Sacrifice and Intelligent Behavior Models in
    Animals, The Secrets of DNA, The Miracle of the Atom,
    The Miracle in the Cell, The Miracle of the Immune
    System, The Miracle in the Eye, The Creation Miracle
    in Plants, The Miracle in the Spider, The Miracle in
    the Ant, The Miracle in the Gnat, The Miracle in the
    Honeybee, The Miracle of Seed, The Miracle in the

    The impact of Harun Yahya's works is not restricted to
    Turkey only. In all corners of the world, one is
    likely to see his works in bookstores. Mostly in
    English, the author's books are translated into 17
    languages in different countries and his best known
    books such as Perished Nations has sold 11.000 copies,
    while The Evolution Deceit has sold 9.000 copies in
    one year. These figures are stated just to give an
    impression of the high popularity of the books in each
    country where they are published.

    To comprehend the overall influence these valuable
    works have over the world, just enter the words "Harun
    Yahya" into any search engine on the Internet and you
    will come across hundreds of pages on which you can
    find Harun Yahya's articles rendered into world
    languages, book reviews and reader comments from
    almost all countries.

    Another book of the author, Jesus Will Return, which
    is published in Turkish and now in English will be
    available for all readers over the world in
    booksellers and on the Internet. In the Qur'an, there
    is an explicit reference to the "second coming of the
    Jesus to the world". The realization of some
    information revealed in the Qur'an about Jesus can
    only be possible by Jesus' second coming…

    The Harun Yahya site that is currently visited serves
    to thousands of people every day. In this site, the
    full texts of more than 100 books in Turkish, 10 books
    in English, 2 books in Spanish, 1 book in Indonesian,
    1 book in Portuguese by Harun Yahya, are available to
    Internet users free of charge, and new books and other
    materials are posted every day. This is a unique
    service one can seldom come across on the Internet.
    The purpose here is to encourage the reader to examine
    and purchase the books in question. Here, anyone from
    any corner of the world willing to read the books can
    readily reach them free of charge. In this site, you
    can also find various audio and video cassettes based
    on the works of Harun Yahya.

    On the English Internet page (,
    under the topic "Harun Yahya Series", full texts of
    all books translated into English are provided
    together with the English book reviews of those which
    have not been translated yet and other useful
    information. Each one of the books and articles of the
    author has found great attention and popularity among
    both the native readers and foreign ones, who have
    sent letters of praise and esteem which you can view

    The works of Harun Yahya are also produced in the form
    of audio cassettes. In addition to Turkish, cassettes
    based on the works of Harun Yahya are also available
    in English. The topics include Perished Nations, The
    Collapse of Evolution, The Fact of Creation Audio Tape
    Series, The Creation of the Universe – Balances on the
    Earth, The Miracle in the Cell – The Miracle of Birth,
    The Miracle in the Eye – The Miracle in the Ear, The
    Design in Animals – The Design in Plants, The Miracle
    in the Honeybee – The Miracle in the Ant, The Miracle
    in the Mosquito – The Miracle in the Spider,
    Self-Sacrifice in Living Things – Migration and
    Orientation, The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution –
    The Fact of Creation, Timelessness and The Reality of
    Fate, The Miracle of DNA.

    The works of Harun Yahya are also produced in the form
    of documentary films. In addition to Turkish,
    documentary films based on the works of Harun Yahya
    are also available in English, Russian, Arabic,
    Albanian, Azeri language and Serbo-Croatian. The
    topics include The Collapse of Evolution, The Creation
    of the Universe, The Secret Beyond Matter, The Dark
    Face of Darwinism, The Miracles of the Qur'an, The
    Miracle in the Cell, The Evolution Deceit, The Fact of

    Following this introduction, my intention is to apply
    for collaboration with you in order to work together
    in defense of God's creation. There may be several
    ways for this: for instance you may give a link to the
    author's Internet page in your web-site, where you may
    also consider placing a small banner of announcement
    of this valuable and rich resource that incorporates
    extensive information for all believers who are
    devoted to improving themselves against materialistic
    and irreligious philosophies of the current century.

    Besides, you may consider publishing, distributing or
    selling the author's books, articles or other works
    that are related to the creation series refuting the
    claims of the theory of evolution. I am looking
    forward to receiving your positive reply as soon as

    Yours faithfully,
    Sarp Gulyuz

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