RE: Darwins God

From: Paul Allen (
Date: Mon Jul 16 2001 - 15:07:35 EDT

  • Next message: Sarp Gulyuz: "Kind Request From Istanbul, Turkey"

    ASA Members,
            This is an announcement for an upcoming symposium on Sept.
    7-8 in Vancouver, Canada that addresses exactly the question on
    Darwin's God that came up here recently. The symposium is
    entitled: "Biology, Religion and Origins: How Do We Introduce
    Extra-Scientific Issues in the Science Classroom?" It will feature
    Ken Miller and John Brooke, Denis Lamoureux and several others
    as plenary speakers and panelists. Americans living in the Pacific
    Northwest would be close enough to make the drive. All are invited!
    For more information and online registration, go to:

    Best wishes,

    Paul Allen
    **NB: Please reply to: <> **
    Paul Allen, Ph.D.
    Canadian Director, Science and Religion Course Programme,
    Directeur, Programme d'éducation en sciences et religion, Canada,
    Université Saint Paul, 223 Main St. #1227
    Ottawa, Ont., CANADA, K1S 1C4
    Voice:(613)236-1393 x 2307 Fax:(613)782-3001 ;
    NB: The Lonergan Web Site:

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