Re: On Pi and E

From: george murphy (
Date: Thu Jul 12 2001 - 09:28:07 EDT

  • Next message: gordon brown: "Re: SPOG FOR THE PRACTICAL SCIENTIST"

    Vernon Jenkins wrote:

    > George,
    > I would like to comment on the points you make here.
    > (1) You appear to have a very rigid view of divine inspiration -
    > apparently believing it to have died with the NT writers. Are you not
    > prepared to accept that those responsible for the divisions and
    > punctuations that we now find in our Bibles were also so inspired? And
    > if not, why not?

            In response, it would suffice to ask why I should believe that they were inspired. But in
    addition let me quote from A.T. Robertson's An Introduction to the Textual Criticism of the New
            "The modern verses are meant to be sense clauses, but they often mar the sense far more than they
    mark it. They were made by Robert Stephanus in 1551 on a journey from Paris to Lyons as he went inter
    equitandum. I have often felt that the horse sometimes bumped his pen into the wrong place."

    > (2) Concerning the correct reading of Genesis 1:1, you say, "I think
    > Westermann has made a good case for the first & more traditional reading
    > but a decision can't be made on grammatical or syntactic grounds alone."
    > May I suggest that the matter is now settled in favour of Westermann;
    > the real and remarkable confluence of integrated numerics found
    > underlying these first 7 words of scripture get to the heart of the
    > matter, and remove any lingering doubt.

            This may be corroborating evidence but a decision couldn't eb made on math grounds alone.

    > (3) Regarding the first of your 'theological' objections, you state:
    > "Getting pi from Gen.1:1 & e from Jn.1:1 yields little of theological
    > significance. It's supposed to prove that the Bible is divinely
    > inspired but at most it could prove that those 2 verses are inspired. &
    > one could even argue from the fact that there isn't any similar
    > mathematical correspondence for other parts of scripture that_only_
    > those verses are inspired."
    > What might be the logic of the Lord inspiring the writing of just these
    > two verses. Surely it's more likely that there is a grander purpose?

            Your 1st sentence is just the point I was trying to make.

    > (4) In the second of your theological points, you say: "The argument can
    > be of value only for getting the attention of unbelievers and suggesting
    > to them that the message of the Bible deserves some consideration. Has
    > it done so? How many conversions have begun with this argument?"
    > Clearly, such questions are impossible to answer.

            Why impossible? To put it more definitely, do you know of any such conversions?

    > However, I do not
    > doubt the potency of the numerics in making the unregenerate sinner more
    > amenable to the work of the Holy Spirit; but I suspect the message is
    > also for those believers who, perhaps unwittingly, are completely
    > confused about the Gospel, and about what the Bible really says! To know
    > that God is, and to know that he is so capable, should help to restore a
    > healthy fear of him, and belief in what he says.

              You seem to be falling into exactly the error that I warn about next. The gospel is that sins
    are freely forgiven & people are accepted by God for Christ's sake. As to "what the Bible really says,"
    "All scripture everywhere speaks only of Christ." A person who places his or her trust in Christ
    crucified is not "confused about the gospel" even if they know & care nothing about the mathematics of
    scripture. I am not saying this to dismiss such math investigations entirely but only to put them in
    their proper place.

    (5) In your third and final theological statement, you said: "If anybody

    > does take this message seriously, it's going to be very easy for them to
    > get the idea that pi and e are the really deep level of scripture hidden
    > below the surface details about the history of Israel & the church -
    > just as in _Contact_ pi is hidden below the primes and Hitler and the
    > plans for the transit device. & this would be disastrous theologically,
    > for the deep meaning of scripture is Jesus Christ.
    > I gather the suggestion here is that people, once aware of the numerics,
    > are in danger of deifying the universal constants pi and e. What
    > nonsense! You are really challenging the wisdom of him who put these
    > phenomena in place. Surely, our understanding of the Lord, and of the
    > lengths to which he is prepared to go to save deluded sinners, is
    > considerably enhanced when we study and consider what he has provided in
    > this complementary strand of scriptural information.

            There are a lot of things that are in the Bible but which must be relegated to a secondary
    position. All the legalistic versions of Christianity which effectively annul the gospel of free grace
    are good examples. Read Galatians. Again, I am not saying that there are no math patterns in scripture
    but if there are, their importance should not be overestimated theologically.


    George L. Murphy
    "The Science-Theology Interface"

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