Re: Watershed (was: Finding names in values)

From: Vernon Jenkins (
Date: Mon Jul 09 2001 - 19:56:35 EDT

  • Next message: Todd S. Greene: "Re: Watershed (was: Finding names in values)"

    Hi Todd,

    I have set up a page which specifically addresses your proposal. Let me
    know what you think, and whether you wish to proceed.

    Here is the URL:



    Todd S. Greene wrote:
    > Hi, Vernon.
    > Tell you what. I will meet you halfway. Professionally, I'm a computer
    > programmer, and my language of choice is C++. If you will draw up the
    > algorithm in logical form and present it to me, I will write the C++
    > code for it (going for "compatible code" that can be compiled on
    > platforms other than just Win32 platforms) and offer this up for people
    > to compile and run on their own systems. They can then run all kinds of
    > texts through the algorithm and then we will know what the results are
    > of this algorithm.
    > Then we won't have to talk about unverified hypothetical probabilities.
    > We'll be talking about actual cases and actual results, and there won't
    > be any possibility of the "shell game" principle.
    > Regards,
    > Todd S. Greene

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