Pi, Golden Ratio and Great Pyramid? Help

From: MindTribe Canada (mindtribe@home.com)
Date: Sun Jul 08 2001 - 15:33:48 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: On Pi and E"

    [18:126] - If the height of the pyramid is taken as the radius of a
    circle, then the circumference of this circle is the same as the
    perimeter of the base. This provided the complimentary squaring of a
    circle and circling of a square. The key to this relationship is
    knowledge of the value of Pi and designing the angle of the pyramid to
    be exactly 51 degrees, 51 minutes, and 14.3 seconds.

    [18:194] - There is evidence that the Egyptians had worked out a
    relationship between Pi and Phi of: Pi = 6/5ths of (Phi)**2.

    [14:24] - Value of Pi: The perimeter of the base divided by twice the
    height = Pi to 5 decimal places {9131*4/5813*2 = 3.141579+}

    [18:126] - The relationship of Pi between the circumference and diameter
    of a circle was thought to have been first reported in 300 B.C. by the
    Greek mathematician Archimedes.

    [70:140] - Value of Pi: The perimeter of the north or south wall of the
    King's Chamber divided by the length of the wall = Pi
    {(230.38+5.0+412.12)*2 / 412.12 = 3.14}

    [18:126] - Value of Phi: - The ratio of the apothem (face slant height)
    to half a base side = Phi (1.618). Phi is another transcendental number
    like Pi which has no exact value (approximate value = 1.6181818...). The
    unique properties of Phi are that phi +1 = phi squared and also 1 +
    1/phi = phi. The Phi ratio is the basis for the Fibonacci sequence
    1,1,2,3,5,8,13.,21,34... which was not generally publicized until 1200

    [14:18] - The length of the King's Chamber in pyramid inches used as the
    diameter of a circle produces a circle with area equal to the area of
    the base of the pyramid if that area is expressed in Sacred Cubits.

    [18:102] - The Pythagorean relationship represented by a 3-4-5 right
    triangle is displayed in the dimensions of the King's Chamber. The east
    wall diagonal is 309", the length is 412", and the long central diagonal
    is 515". However, the Pythagorean relation was not identified until 497

    [18:102] - In the King's Chamber, the stone over the entrance is the
    only stone in the walls that is two courses high. It represents a 3-4-5
    Pythagorean relationship by its measure of 124"L x 93"H x 155" diagonal.

    [4:263] - The coffer's mean length is the same as the width of the
    King's Chamber minus the length of the antechamber.

    [4:265] - The external height of the coffer is 1/10th the length of the
    King's Chamber.

    [4:266] - The top of the coffer has an inset to hold the lid. The inset
    forms a rectangle of 80.949+ PI by 34.244+ PI. The perimeter of this
    rectangle is the same as the height of the King's Chamber {230.388 PI}.

    [70:109] - The coffer's interior volume is 1/2 of it's exterior volume.

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