Re: Ice caps and YEC

From: R. Joel Duff (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 08:55:08 EDT

  • Next message: "On Pi and E"

    ><<Are these some other planes? Or, is the story just right up there with
    >NASA finding lost time: A lot of claims with the facts wrong and no
    >support for them.>>
    >They are the same planes; and the story IS right up there with NASA finding
    >lost time. I recently finished a paper on the GISP2 ice core and its
    >relation to the Flood, and in the process discovered that the simple
    >explanation of the WW2 planes is that the snowfall in the area where the
    >planes landed is considerably higher than the areas from which the ice cores
    >are taken.

    If you could spare a few moments could you give us a few highlights as it
    relates to to the following article posted on the AiG website this morning:
    "Do Greenland ice cores show over one hundred thousand years of annual
    Looking forward to seeing your article published.


    Dr. R. Joel Duff, Assistant Professor
    Dept. of Biology, ASEC 185
    Campus Mail 3908
    University of Akron
    Akron, OH 44325-3908
    Office: 330-972-6077

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