From: George Hammond (ghammond@mediaone.net)
Date: Thu Jul 05 2001 - 02:48:00 EDT

  • Next message: Stein A. Strømme: "Re: Watershed"


      The average person appears to be confused as to why a physicist
    claims that 15-Billion years = 6,000 years.. they cannot believe
    there is a scientific explanation for this. Well, you better take
    the time to read the explanation or you are going to wind up
    looking like a fool when everybody finds out it's true and that
    the hard science proof has been discovered.
      Hammond (1994, 1997) has found the scientific proof of God
    (SPOG) and a simple 1-page report is listed at:

    Note: The simplest and shortest summary of what the
          scientific proof of God (SPOG) is all about has
          been written into a short FAQ which may be seen at:

    For more compete details, see my website, URL at bottom

    You can read this one page when you get the time.
      In the meantime, let me give a simple explanation of why
    15,000,000,000=6,000 years,
      Evolutionists will tell you (any textbook) that the Universe
    is 15,000,000,000 years old. There is no doubt about this.
    Radioactive decay, Hubble measurements, Fossils, etc. all
    confirm it.
      On the other hand, Genesis (Bible) and the Creationists say
    the entire Universe was "instantly Created" only 6,000 years ago.
    How can they be right?
      Well, THEY ARE RIGHT, and you better know why or you are going
    to look pretty stupid in the upcoming scientific news that is about
    to hit the streets about the SPOG.
      GET THIS, and get it clear in your head now: The Creationists,
    and the BIBLE are actually talking about the Evolutionary APPEARANCE
    OF MAN (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) about 6,000 years ago....

              6,000 YEARS AGO.

    The actual date is debatable, could be as old as 90,000 years
    or as young as 6,000 years, depending how you define "Anatomically
    Modern Man"... makes no difference whether it is 90,000 or 6,000,
    point is, it was NOT 15,000,000,000 years ago.... even the EVOLUTIONISTS
    will agree with that.
      OK, but how does the appearance of Homo. s. Sapiens qualify as
    a "Creation of the Universe"? Well, here is where you better
    LISTEN UP, because there is an absolute scientific basis for claiming
    that it does, and it turns out to be of MIGHTY PRACTICAL SIGNIFICANCE,
    which is why the Creationists and the Bible are not going to go away,
    and are in fact about to capture front page news.
      Science has known for ages, and has never seriously questioned
    the fact that the human sensory system and the brain, creates an
    "image of reality" which we call the mind, or consciousness. This
    image is simply believed by science to be a faithful reproduction
    of actual physical reality which is "out there". It has always
    been believed to be a 1:1 (one to one) identity with actual physical
    reality itself. If this were the case, then we would be wasting our
    breath talking about this. However, recently (50 years ago) science
    discovered something called the SECULAR TREND in human growth. They
    discovered that each succeeding generation is more fully grown than
    the last, and that this has been going on for thousands and thousands
    of years... forever in fact. The reason for this is NOT GENETIC, it
    is due entirely to the constantly rising world Standard of Living.
    The curve is the usual "Sigmoidal Curve" (S-curve) and obviously
    at some point in the future we will reach 100% of full growth.
      But in the meantime, HAMMOND has pointed out, that what this means is
    that no one's BRAIN is, or ever was, fully grown, so that the 1:1
    figure is actually WRONG, it's more like .85:1 (.85 to one). What
    this means is that we (the human population) can only actually
    see "85% of Reality". Moreover, this number is VARIABLE from person
    to person, and even VARIES during one's lifetime. Hammond has
    discovered that this VARIATION IN REALITY is what we call "God". It
    turns out that Hammond has discovered a complete scientific proof
    of this from 100 years of data in Psychometry and Relativity, known
    as the SPOG.
      Meanwhile, the Bible and the Creationists, ALREADY KNOW ABOUT IT,
    without ever hearing of Hammond. They were able to figure it out without
    any scientific proof.
      The meaning of the SPOG is that if VARIABLE human brain growth
    causes a VARIABLE REALITY and this is obviously the explanation of
    "miracles" and "God", then "God" must be the beholder of reality itself.
    In other words, a "perfect man" who could see 100% absolute reality,
    would be "God in the flesh" (cf. Jesus for instance). Now this "perfect
    man" does not exist (yet) so we say he is "invisible"... i.e. "God
    is an invisible all powerful man" (sound familiar?).
      At any rate, we know that "Man" is only 6,000 years old (to use their
    figure), which means that "reality itself" is no more than 6,000
    years old... in fact was "created" 6,000 years ago. This is now a
    provable scientific fact. The first Homo s. Sapiens were named by
    the Bible, Adam and Eve, and they were real people.
      So what does this mean? Well, it means that the first people
    awoke after they had biologically appeared 6,000 years ago and discovered
    that a "15-billion year old world" had been instantly (on an Evolutionary
    time scale) been "Created by God".. fossils, and all. And moreover,
    that "God" who created it was STILL ACTIVE in the world and causing
    supernatural "miracles" on a daily basis in the population.
      OK... if it weren't for the ongoing, measurable, VARIABILITY of
    "reality" in the population, we could ignore all this. But it turns
    out that this VARIABILITY causes Religion, God, Psychology, Wars,
    Depressions, Crime, Miracles and Human Progress.... so IT CAN'T
    BE IGNORED, and the fundamentalists, Religious people of all persuasions,
    and the Creationists in particular, KNOW IT. And so does HAMMOND
    who has discovered the SPOG.
      And it won't be long before the religious community find out about
    Hammonds discovery of a SPOG and use it to confront the Evolutionists
    and the Scientists and demand that the Bible be recognized as SCIENTIFIC
    FACT, and that ALL scientific facts should be taught in the Public schools
    for instance.
      So, you Mr. Average Guy, better know about this, because it's not going
    to go away, and you are going to hear more and more about it in the
    papers and the courts... and eventually front page headlines are going
    to announce that a SPOG has been discovered.
      In the meanwhile, take this explanation of why 15,000,000,000=6,000
    and keep it under your hat.

    Be sure to visit my website below, and please ask your
    news service provider to add  alt.sci.proof-of-god
    George Hammond, M.S. Physics
    Email:    ghammond@mediaone.net
    Website:  http://people.ne.mediaone.net/ghammond/index.html

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