Ice caps and YEC

From: Bert Massie (
Date: Wed Jul 04 2001 - 17:56:50 EDT

  • Next message: Vernon Jenkins: "Re: Watershed (was: Finding names in values)"

    Some time ago there was a debate about the depth of ice formed over some
    crashed WWII aircraft and the implications as to the age of the Earth.

    Recently, I saw an YEC spokeman on TV refer to this and with the general
    conclusion that of course this proves the earth to be 6,000 years old

    But, today, there was an interesting TV show about the recovery of one
    of those fighters. The ice depth they clearly showed on TV was over 100

    What is the problem? One hundred meters is plenty of depth for an old

    Is there a reference to a written YEC document on this? Are these some
    other planes? Or, is the story just right up there with NASA finding
    lost time: A lot of claims with the facts wrong and no documented
    support for them.


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