[Inge Frette]
| What about inviting Donald Knuth to write an article about
| faith relating to computer science.
| Donald Knuth is one of the most - if not THE most - respected
| computer scientists in the world.
| He is prof. emeritus at Stanford. His book series "The art of
| computer programming" is classic.
| Knuth is also a christian - as I have understood it.
| I just did a search on the web and found that Knuth delivered
| the "Pascal Lectures on Christianity and the University"
| at the University of Waterloo last year.
| Topic - "Glimpses of God: Faith and Computer Science".
He has also published a beautiful book called "3:16", a commentary on
all the 3:16 verses of the Bible.
-- Stein Arild Strømme telefon +47 55584825 Universitetet i Bergen, Matematisk institutt mobil +47 95801887 Johs Brunsg 12, N--5008 Bergen telefax +47 55589672 <mailto:stromme@mi.uib.no> <http://www.mi.uib.no/~stromme>
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