What about inviting Donald Knuth to write an article about
faith relating to computer science.
Donald Knuth is one of the most - if not THE most - respected
computer scientists in the world.
He is prof. emeritus at Stanford. His book series "The art of
computer programming" is classic.
Knuth is also a christian - as I have understood it.
I just did a search on the web and found that Knuth delivered
the "Pascal Lectures on Christianity and the University"
at the University of Waterloo last year.
Topic - "Glimpses of God: Faith and Computer Science".
Best regards from Inge
At 06:36 03.03.2001 -0500, millerrj@rica.net wrote:
>The recent comment by Jack Haas regarding the lack of
>manuscripts dealing with Mathematics and Christian Faith on the
>ASA website struck a chord within me. As current editor of
>Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, I would be very open
>to receiving manuscripts on this topic. It seems to me that the
>theoretical foundations of mathematics may be ripe for Christian
>Alternatively, what are the faith issues dealing with computer
>science or informational systems? Anyone interested in writing on
>that topic?
>Roman J. Miller, Ph.D.
>Editor of Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith
>4956 Singers Glen Road
>Harrisonburg, VA 22802
>Phone: 540-867-0854
>"Sign your name with loving deeds."
Inge Frette
GEOLOGICA AS Phone : +47 51 87 58 15
P.O.Box 8034 Fax : +47 51 87 58 01
N-4003 STAVANGER E-mail: inge.frette@geologica.no
NORWAY Web : http://www.geologica.no
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